A Boy and His Blog

Services and material access remain essential to literacy, particularly among young and emergent readers. Interactive, creative, informational programs remain crucial to the library’s community. In many fortunate areas, libraries of the old cloth are reinventing themselves as both staple information and literature resources and community centers, and as welcoming third places. They are curators and creators. They’re attempting hyperlocality and brand ubiquity, going everywhere, all the time. They are tech-savvy entities with a progressive presence both online and in the physical community.

The primary functions of the library remain largely unchanged. Users, applications, and professional roles evolve perpetually, and there’s a lot to talk about. My name is Steven. I’m a librarian and educational text editor. On this blog, I check in occasionally to ask questions about libraries and information science, education and literacy, writing and professional development. Please join the discussion.

Steven V. Kaszynski
Chicago, IL

the Go Librarians control copyright of all content on this blog.